Midnight massacre

Official Movie Site
Support Midnight Massacre
Now through Crowdfunding you can help us achieve the best final production possible.
Unlike those major motion picture productions that have a Hollywood budget of 20 to 60 million dollars to make their films, we work within our own production company completely financing the film Midnight Massacre on our own. By doing this we have the entire command over our production and have complete artistic control. The downside to this though is that we have to try to be masters of making a small budget look big, your contribution however will help the production value look even bigger and with added advertising we can reach a larger fan base.
With your donation, no matter if it's $10 or $1,000 it goes towards making the project larger through production and advertising costs. Your support is greatly appreciated and you will not go unnoticed, your name (or the name you want listed) will live on forever in our movie's ending credits.

$10 Donation - You will have your name added in the ending credits under the Thank You section. Donation must be made by 10/1/17 for credits.

$25 Donation - You will Receive an autographed Movie Promo Card By The Lead Director and have your name added in the ending credits under the Thank You section. Donation must be made by 10/1/17 for credits.

$50 Donation - You will Receive a DVD screener of the movie when available, an autographed Movie Promo Card by the Lead Director and have your name added in the ending credits under the Thank You section. Donation must be made by 10/1/17 for credits.

$100 Donation - You will have your name added in the ending credits under the Associate Producer section, You will Receive a DVD Screener of the movie when available, and an autographed movie promo card by the Lead Director. Donation must be made by 10/1/17 for credits.

$250 Donation - You will have your name added in the Opening and ending credits under the Associate Producer section, You will Receive a DVD Screener of the movie when available, and an autographed movie promo card by the Lead Director. Donation must be made by 10/1/17 for credits.

$500 Donation - You will have your name added in the ending credits under the Co Executive Producer section, You will Receive a DVD Screener of the movie when available, and an autographed movie promo card by the Lead Director. Donation must be made by 10/1/17 for credits.

$1,000 Donation - You will have your name added in the opening and ending credits under the Co Executive Producer section, You will Receive a DVD Screener of the movie when available, and an autographed movie promo card by the Lead Director. Donation must be made by 10/1/17 for credits.

$2,000 Donation - You will have your company logo added at the start of the movie and your name (or company name) added in the opening and ending credits under the Executive Producer section, You will Receive a DVD Screener of the movie when available, and an autographed movie promo card by the Lead Director. Donation must be made by 10/1/17 for credits.
Additional Information: We will not use any name or logo of a profane nature. We will need your address included with your donation or you can provide it to us through our contact page if you would like us to mail you a screener copy of the movie (when available) and an autograph movie promo card depending on your donation amount selected. Donations must be recieved by 10/1/17 so there is time to add them into the credits before the movie's release date.